WS-Engineer and WS-BPEL 2.0

WS-Engineer and WS-BPEL 2.0

WS-Engineer is being updated to support the new features of BPEL4WS, now known as WS-BPEL 2.0. WS-Engineer will however, still support features of BPEL4WS (WS-BPEL 1.1). Please refer to the WS-BPEL 2.0 specification for further details of the new features. Below you will find a list of these features and development status of WS-Engineer:

New Activities

ID Category / Feature Link to Specification Status WS-Engineer Version
1A Added serial and parallel <forEach> with optional completion condition 11.7 pending tbc
1B Added <repeatUntil> 11.4 released 1.5.1
1C Added new extension activity 10.9 not supported n/a
1D Changed <switch> to <if><elseif><else> 11.2 released 1.5.1
1E Changed <terminate> to <exit> 10.10 released 1.5.1
1F Different cases of <compensate> to <compensate> and <compensateScope> 12.4 pending tbc

Message Operations

ID Category / Feature Link to Specification Status WS-Engineer Version
2A join option has been added to correlation sets in order to allow multiple participants to rendezvous at the same process with a deterministic order 9.2 pending tbc
2B partnerLink can now be declared local to a scope 6.2 in development tbc
2C initializePartnerRole option has been added to specify whether an endpoint reference must be bound to a partner link during deployment 6.2 pending tbc
2D The messageExchange construct has been added to pair up concurrent <receive> and <reply> activities 10.4 in development tbc

Scope Model

ID Category / Feature Link to Specification Status WS-Engineer Version
3A New scope snapshot semantics have been defined 12.1 pending tbc
3B Fault handling during compensation has been clarified 12.5 pending tbc
3C The interaction between scope isolation and control links have been clarified 12.8 pending tbc
3D Enrichment of fault catching model 12.5 pending tbc
3E A <rethrow> activity has been added to fault handlers 10.11 pending tbc
3F The <terminationHandler> has been added to scopes 12.6 pending tbc
3G The exitOnStandardFault option has been added to processes and scopes 12 pending tbc

Miscellaneous Changes

ID Category / Feature Link to Specification Status WS-Engineer Version
4A repeatEvery alarm feature to event handlers 12.7 pending tbc
4B Clarified resources resolution (e.g. variable, partner link) for event handlers no update required
4C formal <documentation> support no update required
4D formal <documentation> support no update required
4E Added extension namespace declarations in order to specify what extension must be understood 5.4 pending tbc

Abstract Processes

ID Category / Feature Link to Specification Status WS-Engineer Version
5A Clarified Abstract Process usage patterns not supported n/a
5B Introduced Abstract Profiles not supported n/a

Data Access

ID Category / Feature Link to Specification Status WS-Engineer Version
6A Several clarifications have been added to the description of the <assign> activity's <copy> semantics 8.4 pending tbc
6B Variable initialization as part of the variable declaration has been added 8.1 pending tbc
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